Sunday, April 27, 2008

My bittersweet being

The sweetness of nothing;
Sky and sound, silence and fury,
Flowers and smell;

Past and regrets,
Future and wants,
Present, thereby gone...

Sweet nothings and
bitter everythings;
My bittersweet being.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Why summer is sour

That place without a name
Green and dark, just by the busy highway
Where we zoomed past without a halt...

Baby mangoes loomed there in summer slumber,
You should have slowed down.
I wanted to steal them,
Eat them sprinkled with chilly and salt.

Yes, we can buy the fruit, I know.
But stolen raw mangoes have a taste of their own...

Sunday, April 20, 2008

When you meet me

When you meet me Death,
Mind your manners. I would rather not
die sudden, alone and bloody.