Only walk down the street,
to know where you are placed.
On my way to Park Street the other day
I saw monkeys and jugglers lulled asleep,
High on hashish, or some such stuff,
Babies clinging, wriggling about like insects,
Babies so many, some sobbing unnoticed,
Some playing with mud and sticks.
Cooking pots and smoke on the footpath,
Old, desolate men still willing to live.
Dripping tarpaulins sloped on strings,
And water filled in yellow plastic tins,
Hands black with dirt and grime,
Filth accepted as wellbeing.
My sorrow is much less than theirs,
So is my contentment.
Only walk down the street,
And know where you are placed.
I was drunk,
with snobbish egoistic desires,
And walked crestfallen,
In the busy untidy street,
With my pompous string umbrella,
And I saw in rain,
Two untidy legs,
An overwhelming smile,
Which wished to play!
She stretched her hands!
I was embarrassed!
( I wish I threw my hypocritic self! and would have hugged her in rain)
I have often felt sad for my selfishness and my seeming inability to share my life with others :)
great poem of yours
there's a lot of mention of a pair of legs in your writings.. yes, but for tht inability to share, everything could be a little better..
and!! i posted this not less than 10 min back,was still editing and making changes, and I see ur comment!:) how??
Ur writing is simple and very heart felt1
check my blogg too :)
Only the street is the open book!
Are these poems written by you? Haha.. yes those "paintings" (actually, I'd rather call them just images) are created by me... Your blog is beautiful... Thanks for visiting mine and commenting... Keep doing good work... ;-)
Nice. Simple yet so impressive :)
Thanks Gauri, for adding my blog to your blogroll... :-) I think I will add your this one on mine.
Hi ,
I was reading ur blog posts and found some of them to be wow.. u write well.. Why don't you popularize it more.. ur posts on ur blog ‘Short and Sweet’ took my particular attention as some of them are interesting topics of mine too;
BTW I help out some ex-IIMA guys who with another batch mate run where you can post links to your most loved blog-posts. Rambhai was the chaiwala at IIMA and it is a site where users can themselves share links to blog posts etc and other can find and vote on them. The best make it to the homepage!
This way you can reach out to rambhai readers some of whom could become your ardent fans.. who knows.. :)
Anil-- yes indeed.. i will myself to go out more often for each visit gets you to see interesting things..
Darshan-- ha ha... i just happened to ask!! some clarification :) the scroodles you do are worth a tee-printing job. seriously, get in touch with someone from the trade...
Comfortably Numb, Darshan-- Thanks!
Ray-- I happen to have not just heard of rambhai, but also had some good cups of tea there thanks to my husband.. he would be glad to know abt the site (i.e. if he doesn't know already)
also, your blogger id is a dead end. your will to lead to rambhai is commendable :D.. i loved the site and have started posting.. do drop in again!
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